• Final Fantasy XII (PS2)

    ...she will take. So, if you have “attack the closest enemy” in slot number 1, and “curaga” in slot number 2, even if you’re all on your last legs, the...

  • 100% Orange Juice (PC)

    ...introduce you to 100% Orange Juice! A rage-inducing yet fun and exciting board game where a little RNG (that is, random number generator) and a nice deck of cards can...

  • GameCola’s E3 Application

    ...A copy of the Web site’s business license or government issued documentation showing the business’s federal tax identification number. Wait, what the? Federal Tax Identification Number? For a web site?...

  • Things Zach Rich Demands to See Before He Dies in 2020

    ...325 of the songs available for the series. All you have to do is swipe someone’s credit card number, and bam. Free Microsoft Points for life. And by someone, I...

  • Space Math (XBLIG)

    ...you are not precise, you do not score. But ladies and gentlemen, this is maths. Because the maximum number and minimum number can be set, making them both the same...

  • Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon (N64)

    ...nature of these well-known adventure titles, there are a number of puzzles with a rough order, and there are a number of abilities that help you solve these puzzles. Along...

  • Default Thumbnail

    Galcon Fusion (PC)

    ...the same as enemy planets, except they don’t regenerate the units you’ve destroyed. That is, assuming your ships are destroying units of some sort and not just blasting X number...

  • Your Top 10 Favorite Games: Kyle Ogilvie

    ...(GBO/C/A): This game, while not the best, ranks number 5 for a number of unusual reasons. For one thing, you can play this game over and over again and not...

  • Dragon Warrior IV (NES)

    ...other games of its era with its story. While hardly an epic comparable to Gilgamesh, the Odyssey, or Chrono Trigger, it contained a number of features unique for its time....

  • Games for the Casual Gamer: Mario Party

    ...player presses A, jumps and receives a number. The player with the highest number starts first. The background of the game is laid out like a board game. (such as...