• Castlevania: Symphony of the Night (XBLA)

    ...I’ve said my piece. The numbers add up. For 800 Microsoft Points, take away a challenging Live Arcade title that accurately delivers the same gameplay we know and love. A...

  • Submissions (April 2007)

    ...and can still be purchased new. If you happen to be interested in Bronkie specifically, you can call this number to order it: 1-800-243-5864. No kidding. The Poor Player’s Paradise...

  • The GameCola Interview: Greg Johnson

    ...800. The whole idea of computer games was a new concept. EA was just getting started. In fact when I did my first project with them they only had about...

  • WiiWare Review (June 2008)

    ...repetitive and annoying as the limited number of enemy variations, and the boss battles are almost boring. SAVE YOUR POINTS, especially if you are a shooter fan.” June 9th, 2008...

  • The Vana’diel Diaries (October 2006)

    ...the crabs, but we were unable to carry the day. For battle number two, I completely spazzed and bound my crab before Mindfreak even started casting. I did, however, keep...

  • Minus the Pudding: The Best of Xbox Live Indie Games

    ...tells you that you need to do everything she says in order to live again. She says you can trust her. A cell phone rings. She tells you not to...

  • Pokémon Pinball (GBC)

    ...an orphanage and tell all the residents Santa’s bringing coal, rocks, and St. Nick’s very own used cock socks this year. When a developer takes one of their golden franchises...

  • Submissions (August 2005)

    ...cradle that will rejuvenate her and that she will have to fight Santa Claus and Hitler along the way. Sam Evert My Favourite GameCola this month is paper Mario and...

  • Cheat Codes for Life

    ...masses. Dear Zack, Santa brought me Marvel: Ultimate Alliance for the Nintendo Wii for Christmas. I opened it up and started a game up right away—even got my girlfriend in...

  • Default Thumbnail

    Nintendo 64: Change the System

    ...were equally (if not more) impressed. This video is the reason Santa Clause brought me a Nintendo 64 for Christmas, and now I would like to share with you its...