• Math Gardener (X360-XBLI)

    ...game presents four flower pots to you, each with a number written on the front. There is a randomly generated math problem on a cloud, and you move said cloud...

  • Sonic CD (SCD)

    ...new aspect pushing Sonic CD into the number-one spot for the Genesis CD attachment was the time-travel system. During gameplay, when you run into a signpost saying “Past” or “Future,”...

  • Giana Sisters DS (DS)

    ...should have been expected), such as touchscreen and microphone functions. Luckily, use of the touchscreen can be kept to a bare minimum. Also, gameplay takes place entirely on the top...

  • Dear Readers: We Need a New Logo

    ...roughly speaking, the Paleozoic era. During this whim, I discovered… …a celebratory image from not too long ago… (This banner came about because GameCola was the number three listing under...

  • The Vana’diel Diaries (November 2006)

    ...however, started to get a genuine feel for the RNG job. I’ve made a number of contacts – guys who see my familiar name on the /inv list and say...

  • [NSFW] Oh, the Humanity!: Tomb Raider

    ...movie is spent trying to establish that Lara Croft is super-cool. She’s always listening to techno music and cruising around in any number of stylish vehicles. Mostly, the movie attempts...

  • Three Things: Top GameFAQs Contributors

    1. As you may know, I’ve written a good number of guides for GameFAQs over the years. I even have a spot on their unofficial (and now-defunct) Hall of Fame...

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    OMG-Z (PSN)

    ...this is number of zombies you need to kill in order to complete the level, but it’s actually the total number of zombies left (which scores you a platinum award...

  • Q&AmeCola: Your First Game

    ...up to the screen. Wasn’t that just a generic romp through Nostalgia World? (Jeff is the author of “Gamera Obscura.”) Christian Porter Number Magic The year was 1984. I was...

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    Breath of Death VII and Cthulhu Saves the World Double Pack (PC)

    ...number of twisting branches, loops, and dead ends quite large. There’s no way to track exploration in-game, so this type of layout can have players walking around in circles while...