• Sonic CD (SCD)

    ...new aspect pushing Sonic CD into the number-one spot for the Genesis CD attachment was the time-travel system. During gameplay, when you run into a signpost saying “Past” or “Future,”...

  • Default Thumbnail

    OMG-Z (PSN)

    ...this is number of zombies you need to kill in order to complete the level, but it’s actually the total number of zombies left (which scores you a platinum award...

  • Back to the Future: The Game – Episode 2: Get Tannen! (PC)

    ...“too short.” This game has a few improvements over the previous one. First off, the number of characters is doubled, which makes the game feel a lot more realistic. Second...

  • Pocky & Rocky 2 (SNES)

    ...that help you in some way. “Charm” increases the number of hits you can take before you lose “Courage.” “Charm” is represented by the layers of clothing that Pocky is...

  • Cave Story (Wii-WW)

    ...get for free, you can get by paying for! Isn’t that great news? Of course it is! Nicalis has added a number of features to Cave Story, to make this...

  • Mega Man 10 (Wii-WW)

    ...feel compelled to give Capcom their money. Actually, I’m not sure how I feel about that. Easy Mode makes a number of alterations to the normal game, such as toning...

  • Minus the Pudding: The Best of Xbox Live Indie Games

    ...colors of the presents they want (convenient!), and the number of lights on in the house corresponds with how many presents you’re supposed to drop. If you screw up a...

  • Mid-Boss: Dino-scores

    ...to think rationally? No one’s going to read your boring words if there’s a number at the bottom of the page that does all the thinking for them. I fear...

  • Giana Sisters DS (DS)

    ...should have been expected), such as touchscreen and microphone functions. Luckily, use of the touchscreen can be kept to a bare minimum. Also, gameplay takes place entirely on the top...

  • Angels with Scaly Wings (PC)

    ...through this portal, tasked with trading a PDA filled with centuries of human knowledge for a number of the dragons’ generators—a completely clean energy source that the human world desperately...