• Power Gloves & Tinfoil Hats: Case #002

    Endless Pokémon Most Beautiful “…from so simple a beginning endless forms most beautiful and most wonderful have been, and are being, evolved.” – Charles Darwin on Pokémon With the number...

  • [NSFW] … of the Month: Samurai 4’s “Surprise”

    ...READ THE ARTICLE. Samurai Sex Sim Surprise of the Month… An Old Friend in Way of the Samurai 4 Looks like Number 4 is when a series stops and asks,...

  • Dwarf Fortress (PC)

    ...age, average mineral quantities, and number of legendary beasts. Once you’ve inputted your parameters, you’ll literally see the world form up, climates change, and civilizations rise and fall. In the...

  • Enchanted Arms (X360)

    ...easily the number one so-bad-it’s-good movie of all time)—the story, dialogue, and voice acting are so amazingly, profoundly, hilariously awful that I’d trade my signed copy of Bio-Dome away for...

  • Minus the Pudding: The Best of Xbox Live Indie Games

    ...parts.” Those are the pudding games of Indie Games, and I want to talk about the ones that aren’t. Dear Readers, Hello, and welcome to GameCola.net: the number one website...

  • Giana Sisters DS (DS)

    ...should have been expected), such as touchscreen and microphone functions. Luckily, use of the touchscreen can be kept to a bare minimum. Also, gameplay takes place entirely on the top...

  • Memory Cards: The Final Fantasy Legend

    ...can choose humans, mutants, or monsters. Monsters can’t use equipment, but they have skills that work very similarly to abilities in Pokémon. Each skill has a limited number of uses...

  • Math Gardener (X360-XBLI)

    ...game presents four flower pots to you, each with a number written on the front. There is a randomly generated math problem on a cloud, and you move said cloud...

  • Can With Oil (iPhone)

    ...Oil is a perfect example of this. Beautiful HD graphics. Can With Oil is an iPhone game which…oh man, I’m not sure I can explain it. I don’t think I...

  • Dokapon Kingdom (Wii)

    ...one of the most ultimate party games ever created. Dokapon Kingdom is the Wii/PS2 edition to the series, with a number of games existing, but only three available in North...