• Rocket Knight (PC)

    ...not even worth 800. It’s not even worth 400, for Christ’s sake. Less than an hour for 1200 MSP. That’s a fucking insult. But, that’s still not why this game...

  • Q&AmeCola: Movie Games

    With all the quality reviews, delightful columns, and hard-hitting game journalism you can find here at GameCola, it’s sometimes hard to believe that the site’s written by regular people like...

  • Mid-Boss: The Cost of XBLA Games

    ...Live Arcade titles on the basis that they should cost 800 or less. You’re educated sorts. You can already see the fatal flaws in this hypothesis. Even so, when Mid-Boss...

  • The Basics: Metal Slug

    ...which are particularly interesting. The whole package seems rather by-the-numbers, which is a shame, as Metal Slug should be anything but. Metal Slug 5 (Arcade, PS2, PSP, Wii, Xbox) Released...

  • GC Podcast #8: Happy Birthday, GameCola!

    ...is it Nathaniel Hoover? How do you interpret Mia’s phone conversation with Maya? Segment Four: New Game Releases/What We’re Playing Now (33:42 to 54:15) Zach is happy that Virtual On...

  • La Pucelle Tactics (PS2)

    ...bus that took me to the border—apparently that cashier was running a cartel and made a few phone calls—where I leased out my body cavities to that very same cartel...

  • Doom RPG (Mobile)

    ...boring, Doom RPG managed to find its way onto my phone. God bless mobile phones; they’re incredibly easy to hide. This 90s-FPS-classic-inspired RPG had, during that module, become my favorite...

  • What the Crap?: Street Fighter the Movie the Game the Article the Sequel?

    ...to call itself the National Fighting League (NFL), instead. Get what I’m saying? Looks like M. Bison is riding one of Dr. Robotnik’s vehicles. But hold the phone! Street Fighter...

  • Great Moments in Gaming #8

    ...in a flying plastic taco. I ensure her everything’s okay and that I overreacted, Tomba! beckoning more than the foreboding storm. I get off the phone and move towards the...

  • (e)Book: Cory Doctorow’s “For the Win”

    ...Luckily, with eBooks and mobile Internet I could just download a new one on my phone and transfer it across to the book reader. Yay modern technology! The book I’d...