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    My First MAGFest

    Last week I experienced my first MAGFest (Music and Gaming Festival), and as the only representative of GameCola in attendance, I thought I’d give a rundown of my time there....

  • We Dare: Flirty Fun for NO ONE!

    ...of 12 and up, telling parents that it’s perfectly reasonable to buy this game for their kids. Publisher Ubisoft wasn’t happy about this, because, as one representative that I made...

  • GameCola’s Most Essential/Influential Games of All Time (E-K)

    ...Bros. Melee, SimCity 2000, Jedi Knight II, Master of Orion II, Super Mario World, and a half-dozen others, I’m electing Heroes III to be the lone representative of the games...

  • Low-Rent Adventures in Japan: Now Hiring

    ...Makudorunamudrudo fry potetos! (*°∀°)=3 (*°∀°)=3(*°∀°)=3 Yoroshiku desu! 2. One time I got caught eating a hamburger that a customer left behind. I mean, he hadn’t even opened it, and I...

  • GameStop Makes Up for the Deus Ex Thing

    On the heels of yesterday’s historic tragedy, GameStop has decided to try to make amends to it’s (justifiably) jilted customer base: they’re offering $50 GameStop gift cards to anyone who...

  • Brink (X360)

    ...you see the class valedictorian working the customer service desk at your local grocery store, you get a feeling of disappointment and feel a bit bad for them, because, even...

  • This Yard Has Saled #8: Christmas in July

    ...there signing autographs. We didn’t need his signature, though; just a picture would suffice, and so he did us the service. As a completionist myself, I love everything this man...

  • Submissions (April 2007)

    ...pre-order, I just had the same thing happen. Pre-ordered a game from their Web site and didn’t get a gift when the game arrived. I e-mailed their customer service to...

  • The Matrix: Path of Neo (PS2)

    ...ass, it’s time to go around saving the world. Here at Morpheus’ Red Pill Freedom Industries, we pride ourselves on our customer service. We aim to provide the slickest control...

  • Avenue Flo: Special Delivery (PC)

    ...superstore, where—as they put it—“We’re crazy about babies, not customer service!” In terms of the game’s weak points, once again, Flo’s roommate Quinn returns as the Queen of the Annoyingly...