• Gamer Girlfriend: I Am the Shock Rat

    ...I merely dabble, or else watch while someone else plays. This was mostly the case with Super Smash Bros. Brawl. When it came out, my boyfriend attended the obligatory midnight...

  • Quantum Geek: Episode 3 – This Mortal Coil

    ...start with the Konami code in effect.” “You magnificent, cheating bastard,” said Tom, continuing his trek into the digital jungle. “I’m beginning to think I might survive this after all.”...

  • Gamer Girlfriend: Gamer Boyfriend

    ...Vangie and I are switching places; I’m writing her column and she’s writing mine. This means that for this month, and this month only, you, the reader, can become the...

  • Soulcalibur IV (PS3)

    ...mission mode for this game. It is crazily hard at some points, just like the mission modes in every other game in the series, and involves a bunch of different...

  • The 2008 GameCola Videogame Awards

    ...Choice: Mega Man 9 Last Year’s Winner: Bomberman Live Employee of the Year Michael Gray 2008 was a big year for Michael Gray. In the past 12 months, he’s written...

  • [NSFW] Super Mario Bros. 2 (NES)

    ...young Mario player had when they fired this game up—an hour long “hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm…?” This game was a great, big can of WTF sauce, ladled by a postpubescent Shigeru Miyamoto who...

  • Blaster Master (NES)

    ...the localization crew missed a spot. Speaking of missing a spot, I hope I didn’t leave any dangling prepositions in this one. I’m too lazy to go back and check....

  • Rock Band 2 (X360)

    ...a knife to the left of the keyboard, and I’m just so tempted to bring my mind to rest and stop asking all of these questions to which there are...

  • Monkey Island 2: LeChuck’s Revenge (PC)

    ...a nice departure from MI1 and definitely means the MI2 soundtrack can stand on its own legs. There’s still no voice-acting here—that was left until MI3—but the music is good...

  • Braid (X360-XBLA)

    ...What does have to do with this game is the time twisting aspects of the puzzle solving. Within each stage is a number of puzzle pieces scattered across the land.3...