• Zombies Ate My Neighbors (SNES)

    ...number of obstacles so you can save a variety of neighbors who think that barbecuing in a haunted house surrounded by werewolves or taking pictures of a charging Frankenstein is...

  • 32-Bit Genocide This Weekend

    ...in Baltimore this Saturday. The show will feature video game cover bands, video game artists, and a number of consoles from gaming’s history. Doors open at 5, music starts at...

  • Soul Blazer (SNES)

    ...Dr Leo’s Lab. For every great song, there’s one that’s just alright and another that’s just filler. It also seems slightly odd to me that Soul Blazer shares a number...

  • testgame.exe: Making the Adventure

    ...the death, Paul still has the same amount of Spasm as he did before he drank it (previously, the number would go down by one). This makes more sense to...

  • Project Sylpheed (X360)

    ...end combat! Just let me restock, and…WAUGH.4 It’s a good thing all the bad guys’ ships leave these red vapors all over the place, otherwise I’d NEVER see these black...

  • Default Thumbnail

    Super Smash Bros. Brawl

    ...have a percentage number for each character at the bottom of the screen. What does that mean, just out of curiousity? I thought it represented health/damage, but you can go...

  • Ghoul Patrol (SNES)

    ...don’t have a father-son or twin sibling relationship. They are more like identical cousins (boy, I can still hear Mom explaining how that happened to me). They are vastly different,...

  • The Accessibility of Gaming: The Serendipity of Amiibo Tap

    ...classics like these, but what do you do if the only “gaming system” you have known all your life is a Wii, PS3, or your mom’s smartphone? Often times, you...