• The Beatles: Rock Band (X360)

    ...reasons I have failed to use this feature is that USB microphones supported by the Rock Band games cost money, and with a USB microphone for all three vocal parts,...

  • Default Thumbnail

    Avenue Flo (Mac)

    ...the music was correspondingly upbeat and happy-sounding. There was even a big, splashy musical number at the beginning, in which all the characters got together and sang all about how...

  • The Ten Reasons: Decade Edition

    ...best games were mostly a complete surprise. In May, there were surpise announcements about a number of games, including Tales of Monkey Island, Super Mario Bros. Wii and Professor Layton...

  • Best- and Worst-Reviewed Games of 2008

    ...or two…. Even if you are the number one rape fan in the universe, there have to be better alternatives.” Trivia: Not only did this game receive the lowest score...

  • The 2008 GameCola Videogame Awards

    ...In real life! In real life. Readers’ Choice: Wii Wheel Last Year’s Winner: N/A Best Multiplayer LittleBigPlanet (PS3) And here’s award number three for LittleBigPlanet. The game’s as solid a...

  • Cheat Codes for Life

    ...is because dipshits like you keep buying them. It’s simple economics. Nintendo doesn’t need to worry about discouraging early adopters, since there will be an ample number of dumbasses with...

  • Source Nintendo (December 2008)

    ...with a good amount of excellent titles. The problem for any budget shopper, of course, is which ones to buy, exactly. Both systems saw a number of good titles released...

  • Super Mario Galaxy (Wii)

    ...legacy once again. Super Mario Galaxy shares its premise with all the other 3D Mario games. In order to save the princess, you need to travel to a number of...

  • Donkey Kong Barrel Blast (Wii)

    ...plays host to a challenge mode, which consists of races with different objectives, like not finishing last, and breaking X number of barrels. It’s a pointless extra that’s only there...

  • Rayman (PS1)

    ...with five-to-six or so levels in each stage and any number of screens within those levels within those stages. The stages have themes like forest, surreal music, caverns, umm…stationary? and...