• The Beatles: Rock Band (X360)

    ...reasons I have failed to use this feature is that USB microphones supported by the Rock Band games cost money, and with a USB microphone for all three vocal parts,...

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    Avenue Flo (Mac)

    ...the music was correspondingly upbeat and happy-sounding. There was even a big, splashy musical number at the beginning, in which all the characters got together and sang all about how...

  • The Ten Reasons: Decade Edition

    ...best games were mostly a complete surprise. In May, there were surpise announcements about a number of games, including Tales of Monkey Island, Super Mario Bros. Wii and Professor Layton...

  • The Dark Spire (DS)

    ...you can likewise disable the button that shows the automap. There are a number of not-so-optional retro elements to the gameplay. Take, for example, weapons and armor. Their effects are...

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    New GameCola Slogan

    ...to suggestions. END QUOTE Well, obviously, Paul doesn’t remember the results of The Great GameCola Slogan Contest that I personally presided over last year. We had a number of great...

  • Gamer Girlfriend: Gamer Boyfriend

    ...looking for a girl (or guy, should you prefer) to share your hobby with: 1. Find a Good Girl. This is probably the hardest part, but it’s also the most...

  • [NSFW] Super Mario Bros. 2 (NES)

    ...to design side-scrollers. I mean, we could run a list of 10 ideas this game used to legendary effect. … Well, why don’t we? 1. Searching for power-ups in mirror...

  • Submissions (February 2007)

    ...to self-inflicted electrocution. Paul’s review of Sam & Max Season 1, Episode 2: Situation Comedy (PC) Bad pun at the end automatically earns you a FAIL. FAIL I TELLS YA....

  • Submissions (September 2007)

    ...the game utilizes the microphone function and has you repeat quotes from the movie ad nauseum. If that’s how you play then, from what I’ve seen, most of the Internet...

  • Rayman (PS1)

    ...with five-to-six or so levels in each stage and any number of screens within those levels within those stages. The stages have themes like forest, surreal music, caverns, umm…stationary? and...