Search Results for: joseph martin
Q&AmeCola: NPCs You Wish Were Playable
Columns by Shannon Hoover on
There is no shortage of interesting and memorable non-player characters in videogames, be they retired warriors who love to talk about their patellar injuries, a cat-robot who doles out silver...
GC Podcast #102: Diana’s Ace Attorney Show
Podcasts by Joseph Martin on
In what is arguably one of my best/worst lapses in judgment, this month I, Joseph Martin, Podcast Commander, gave the podcast reigns to Diana Gray to get all the Ace...
Train Buddiez II Streams Tonight!
News Posts by Alex Jedraszczak on
Maybe you saw it live, or maybe you watched it on YouTube—or maybe you’re one of the few who hasn’t seen it yet! In which case, go back and click...
GameCola Family Game Night is Back…on YouTube!
Videos by Alex Jedraszczak on In case you missed the LIVE edition of GameCola Family Game Night, you can now experience the games and camaraderie on YouTube! You’ll have to bring your own night,...
Hacks’n’Slash #9: The END DAY: A Tale of Love
Podcasts by Nathaniel Hoover and GameCola Staff on
1997, October 1, The END DAY. The day the cult classic NES RPG Crystalis predicted would be the end of civilization as we knew it. We here at GameCola have...
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Now on YouTube—Again!
Videos by Alex Jedraszczak on
Remember that time when the staff got together to record commentary of the Wii re-release of Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney as played by staff fangirl Diana Gray? You don’t? Because...
GC Podcasts #54-56 on YouTube: The Long One Actually About Gaming Outside the Mainstream
Videos by Nathaniel Hoover on
With hours upon hours of quality podcast content to listen to, what are you doing reading right now!? Unless you’re one of those multitaskers who can sleep and chew bubble...
‘Coladachi Life: A GameCola Musical
Fan Submissions by No Lynch on
...Joseph Martin, Alex Jedraszczak, Anna Bryniarski ~ HoHoHoliday Livecast Extravaganz Matt Jonas ~ Outside the Mainstream Alex Jedraszczak, Anna Bryniarski, Nathaniel Hoover, Michael Gray, Diana Gray, Joseph Martin, Daniel Castro...
Q&AmeCola: Greatest Gaming Achievements
Columns by Mark Freedman and GameCola Staff on
Ah, January—a new year, a new month, a new “Q&AmeCola.” That’s right folks, we’re back in 2014 and…what’s that you say? It’s February already? Hmmm, well. February…it’s about that time...