Archive for Tag: Castlevania
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night (XBLA)
Reviews by Matt Jonas on
Ha...sarcasm: For what profit is it to a man, if he were to gain the whole world and lose his own heart? – Matthew 16:26, I believe. Castlevania. A name synonymous with some of the greatest gothic-b
Shadow Complex (X360-XBLA)
Reviews by Matt Jonas on
Shadow Complex is one of those titles that shouldn't be on Xbox Live Arcade. I'm not saying it's not good enough; nuh-uh, no way. I'm saying it's too good for XBLA—it makes everything else in the li
Retro ≠ Good: Castlevania
Columns by Christian Porter on
Some games have aged well and are still fun to this day. Then there's Castlevania.
Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon (N64)
Reviews by Matt Jonas on
Games from early in a console's life often feel a tad like they're missing something. Have you played Red Steel? Of course you have, and you're scarred for life because of it. This pain is nothing; d
The Ten Reasons: Castlevania: Circle of the Moon (Part Two)
Columns by Michael Gray on
Welcome to The Ten Reasons, where I discuss ten reasons why I like or dislike a game. This month, I'm finishing my discussion of the Game Boy Advance game Castlevania: Circle of the Moon. If you remem
The Ten Reasons: Castlevania: Circle of the Moon (Part One)
Columns by Michael Gray on
Welcome to The Ten Reasons, where I discuss ten reasons why I like or dislike a game. For the next two months, I'm going to discuss Castlevania: Circle of the Moon for the Game Boy Advance. My Grandma
Castlevania: Dracula X (SNES)
Reviews by Meteo Xavier on
I am, without a doubt, the luckiest videogame collector in east Tennessee. If any of you reading (or editing) this have ever been to Sevier County for Dollywood (Dolly Parton's personal theme park, an
Digital Championship Wrestling: Simon Belmont vs. Purple Tentacle
Columns by Paul Franzen on
Howdy everyone, and welcome once again to Digital Championship Wrestling! I'm Paul Franzen alongside "Captain" Eric Regan, and on the heels of that EPIC Sonic vs. Bowser matchup we've got, for you, yet ANOTHER AMAZING DREAM MATCH!
Castlevania: Curse of Darkness (MXB)
Reviews by Joel Tandberg on
Let's have a round of applause for one of the oldest, most revered and enjoyable series to leap from the off-gray cartridges of the NES to the shiny DVDs of today's systems: Castlevania. Love it or ha
Castlevania (NES)
Reviews by Bradley Keene on
Every 100 years, Dracula's castle appears out of nowhere to bring the pain to lovely and poverty-ridden Transylvania, with the Belmont family tree answering their cries to smite the wicked.