Archive for Tag: Castlevania
That’s So Cliché: Howditgetthar? Edition
Columns by The Ominous Voice on
Who just leaves all this stuff lying around?
Operation Darkness (X360)
Reviews by Daniel Castro on
A current-gen title with that over-the-top craziness we love from Japanese developers.
[NSFW] Castlevania: The Adventure ReBirth (WiiWare)
Reviews by Meteo Xavier on
Happy Halloween! Or, if you're Jewish, Happy Golem Day!
The Anger Dome: The Worst (Videogame-related) Thing That Ever Happened To Me
Columns by Michael Ridgaway on
What follows is a tale of woe and frustration the likes of which mortal men were not meant to hear.
Mike’s Birthday Wishes for the Gaming Industry
Blog Posts by Michael Ridgaway on
So last month Paul sends me an e-mail, which I manage to read between all my global jet-setting and super-model hangouts (sorry ladies, Vangie says I'm strictly "look but don't touch"), asking me for
Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance Recap
Blog Posts by Michael Gray on
The second in our series on handheld Castlevania games.
[NSFW] Ten Game Franchises More Deserving of Death Than Phoenix Wright
Blog Posts by Christian Porter on
I'll level with you—I'm a bit of an outcast here at GameCola. Not just because everybody is jealous of my rugged good looks and my infectious charisma, but also because I'm not a huge Phoenix Wright
Castlevania: Circle of the Moon Recap
Blog Posts by Michael Gray on
The first in a series of articles about the handheld Castlevania games.
Sprite Flicker: Turkeyvania
Comics by Nathaniel Hoover on
A webcomic by Nathaniel Hoover.
GameCola Halloween 2009
Videos by Nathaniel Hoover on
In the longer-than-expected and excuse-laden hiatus between the final issue of GameCola and our triumphant return as a real website, everyone pretty much thought we were dead. GameCola's legacy lived