Archive for Tag: crossovers
Hacks’n’Slash #17: Shadow the Hedgehog and the Mystery of Pokémon Mystery Dungeon
Podcasts by Joseph Martin on
Will our amnesiac duo succeed or cut themselves on all the edge?
GC Podcast #110: StE3m Summer Sales
Podcasts by Joseph Martin on
Steam Summer Sale? E3? There's so many videogames!
Fabricated News: Mario’s Next Big Crossover
News Posts by Joseph Martin on
Sanity never takes a holiday...
Let’s Play Mega Pony BLIND
Videos by Nathaniel Hoover on
And you thought Street Fighter X Mega Man was a stretch.
Mid-Boss #22: Daddy?
Comics by Stuart Gipp on
When two of your favorite games cross paths...
Sprite Flicker: Middle-EarthBound
Comics by Nathaniel Hoover on
So esoteric, I probably just made this one for myself.
Sprite Flicker: I Give You a Special Present
Comics by Nathaniel Hoover on
Matt Engarde wonders how Capcom is celebrating Mega Man's 25th anniversary.
Crossover Chaos Knows No Bounds
News Posts by Matt Jonas on
It is a sad day for the human race.
Mid-Boss #7: YOU GOT Way in Over Your Head
Comics by Stuart Gipp on
Did you hear that they're making a Sonic/Mega Man crossover?
My Little Pony: Ace Attorneys Are Magic
News Posts by Michael Gray on
Someone is making a crossover game between Phoenix Wright and My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.