Archive for Tag: downloadable games
My Life Is Complete
News Posts by Matt Jonas on
This is a triumph for Hatsune Miku fans the world over.
The Powder Toy (PC)
Reviews by Joseph Martin on
One grand selection of explosives and physics-defying anomalies.
King’s Quest III Redux: To Heir Is Human (PC)
Reviews by Nathaniel Hoover on
Answers the question, "Why don't we spend more time doing household chores in adventure games?"
GameCola’s Most Essential/Influential Games of All Time (E-K)
Columns by Nathaniel Hoover on
In which we discover that every influential game in history through this part of the alphabet was an RPG. And Guitar Hero.
Return All Robots! (PC)
Reviews by Michael Ridgaway on
Return All Robots! by Space Whale Studios is a new puzzle game available for the PC and XBLA. As an intern at a robotics company, you possess a remote control that can direct all automatons to head in
The L/ate List Apocalyptic [NSFW]
Columns by Travis Combs on
Everyone needs a muse in their life, I’ve come to discover. Really, a "support muse" is more accurate. A support muse is someone who not only inspires you, but supports your personal passion even if they don't really understand what it is that drives this passion so much. Like Olivia Newton John and her sisters in all their neon glory in the movie Xanadu. (If you get that reference you're officially fucking awesome, by the way.)
Dear Readers: Penguins!
Columns by Paul Franzen on
Aren't these penguins just the best?
… of the Month: Unknown and Underappreciated
Columns by Matt Gardner on
Do you remember that commercial that came on the other day for that amazing new 9$ (That’s right, the dollar sign is after the 9. My mind says nine dollars, not dollars nine, and I’m tired of mindlessly lending my support to bullshit that is, quite frankly, OUT OF ORDER) game that you can only get by downloading it from the PlayStation online store? If you do, you probably also shit your pants every time you see a cop driving down the opposite side of the highway, because you are sure that he noticed the 15 dollars (15$) worth of marijuana you have stashed under the passenger seat, and it’s only a matter of time before he spins around and skids through the grassy (get it?) median to come after you.