• testgame.exe: Making the Adventure

    So it’s now been exactly two years since I started writing testgame.exe: Making the Adventure for GameCola. The years have just flown by, haven’t they? I thought that, this month, I’d take a look back at the early days of testgame. No, I’m not just going to repeat the same sort of thing I did for the January issue, in which I compared early production stills in the game to what the game looks like now.

  • testgame.exe: Making the Adventure

    So one thing I've discovered during the past month is that it reeeeally helps to have a plan for what you're doing.  It's a big motivator, let me tell you.  For example, since the last installment

  • Cheat Codes for Life

    Last month, I asked you send me letters that listed your favorite PC games, to give people who aren't experienced in that sub genre of gaming some ideas as to where to get started. What follows is my first edition of Cheat Codes that does not contain a single made-up letter. Enjoy.

  • testgame.exe: Making the Adventure

    Once upon a time, in a land far, far away, there lived a young reader (or was it an old reader?), named...I forget his name. Let's just call him Reader. Well, Reader lived by himself in a log cabin in

  • testgame.exe: Making the Adventure

    I love testgame, that I do, and there are a few things that pop into my mind as I continue to work on it (sporadically).  Allow me to ramble a little. Point number 1: This is one heck of a project. 

  • The Gates of Life: Episode 41 – FAKE n00b

    Rivers Duo: Oh right! That person isn't n00b! I know who it really is!

  • testgame.exe: Making the Adventure

    Hey everyone, it's 2007! That's right, another year has gone by, and my baby testgame is that much older.  In commemoration of the birth of a new year, I thought it would be interesting to do a littl

  • testgame.exe: Making the Adventure

    So I know what you're thinking:  You're wondering why you even bother to look at/read this testgame article anymore, because that darned lazy Lizo just never does all that much new stuff.  Well have

  • testgame.exe: Making the Adventure

    So here we are again.  Another month, another exciting trip to adventure game land with Lizo. If you remember, last month's edition of testgame.exe: Making the Adventure included a poll for a critica

  • testgame.exe: Making the Adventure

    Hey, remember waaaay back, like, a month ago or two ago, when testgame.exe: Making the Adventure and the updated game that went along with it had actual new things in it?  Like, new things with inter