Archive for Tag: Eric Regan
Captain Eric’s Psychic Thumb Feature Presentation
Columns by Eric Regan on
It's that time again! The time when we look into the FUTURE of gaming and see which games we will put off buying, which games we will completely forget about buying, and which games we will tell ourselves we would never ever buy, until that crazed friend of ours talks us into it because it like totally has such sweet fps, man.
Word of the Day
Columns by Eric Regan on
Although Clinessa masqueraded as a prolific author, her oeuvre consisted of two articles in the local pennysaver and a paragraph in a watch ad.
Word of the Day
Columns by Eric Regan on
After pillaging and burning the small mountain town, Dastardly Dan hopped on his space-copter and took a leisurely hegira.
Word of the Day
Columns by Eric Regan on
Mr. Franzen's temerarious decisions brought his precious website to the brink of extinction.
Digital Championship Wrestling: Pac-Man vs. Geodude
Columns by Paul Franzen on
The battle of the floating spherical heroes is on!
The Gates of Life: Episode 57 – Background Information: No Spooning Render’s 3 Lost Bros
Columns by Matt Gardner on
PoCoN: Guess what? I’m not leaving! I’m the best narrator this story has, and the best writer of TGoL clearly agrees with me and is going to keep putting me in the story no matter how many times that other writer tries to puff me back to backstage.
Captain Eric’s Psychic Thumb Feature Presentation
Columns by Eric Regan on
I am sensing a very bleak few months in the future of videogaming. However, that will not stop me from bestowing all of my knowledge to YOU!: the good readers of GameCola. I shall be brave; I shall be strong! I shall enlighten us all on what we will be doing for the foreseeable future, no matter how scary it may be!
Captain Eric’s Psychic Thumb Feature Presentation
Columns by Eric Regan on
Here we go again—it is time for THE Super...err, Psychic THUMBS! Where we gaze into gaming's future and see all the amazement that is ahead. This month is SURPRISINGLY upbeat, as well over fifty percent of the games get those DAZZLING thumbs up! I am pretty sure that is a Super Thumbs RECORD! The future must be looking pretty good, my friends.