Archive for Tag: Justin Luschinski
[NSFW] GC Podcasts #21-23 on YouTube: Zach’s Lost YouTube Grab Bag
Videos by Nathaniel Hoover on
So many topics! Almost none of which are teased in this post.
GC Podcasts #47-49 on YouTube: The Best Uncut Games Pronounced “Crystalis”
Videos by Nathaniel Hoover on
Second chance podcasts! In case you missed them the first time...
GC Podcast #48: UNCUT
Podcasts by Alex Jedraszczak on
We're getting back into our normal swing of things here at The GameCola Podcast, but this month's recording was rushed and ended up a little short. With that said, we present to you the 48th installme
GC Podcast #19 on YouTube: Now Leaving the Year 200X
Videos by Nathaniel Hoover on
Hey, does anyone remember 2009? I sure don't, but these YouTube videos I've got here seem to suggest that it was a real year. We've got footage of Michael Gray walkthroughing his way through The Legen
GC Podcast #34: The Thirty-Fourth Podcast
Podcasts by Alex Jedraszczak on
Paul Franzen, Christian Porter, Justin Luschinski, and Alex Jedraszczak talk about, like, videogames, and stuff. Without a single real topic in mind, the podcast turned out far more cohesive and with
Versus Mode: Kinect, Grinding, The Jungle, and More [NSFW]
Columns by GameCola on
GC writers Meteo Xavier and Justin Luschinski discuss the Kinect, grinding, Panasonic's The Jungle, and more.