Archive for Tag: Marvel
GC Podcast #J4: Pizza Time
Podcasts by Joseph Martin on
GC Podcast #160: Return to Monke (Island)
Podcasts by Joseph Martin on
Yaar! We be returnin' to our primal instincts!
GC Podcast #150: The London Arc Begins
Podcasts by Joseph Martin on
New places and new people...
[BONUS] The GameCola AvengersCast
Podcasts by John Rizzi on
It's time to Assemble for this special bonus episode of The GameCola Podcast!
Spider-Man (PC)
Fan Submissions by GameCola on
Ever open up a drawer full of videogames looking for something to play, and you just can’t find it? Then, way in the back, you happen to notice the exact game that made your childhood great? This is that game for me. It's one of the first videogames I ever played, and seeing it again just made me pop that sucker into my hard drive and relive those memories.
Versus Mode: Virtual Boy, Online Pass, Marvel vs. Capcom 3, and More
Columns by GameCola on
Indie developer Tony "hotshot 10101" Pitman and GC's Eric Regan discuss the Virtual Boy, EA's Online Pass, Marvel vs. Capcom 3 characters, and more.
Marvel Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter (PS1)
Reviews by Allec Johnson on
Marvel Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter, unfortunately, is one of the sub-par titles.