Archive for Tag: Mega Man 2
The 2019 GameCola Videogame Awards (Part 2)
Columns by Alex Jedraszczak on
Let's forget about 2020 for a bit and reminisce about the bygone era of 2019.
Be Careful What You Search For #87
Comics by Terrence Atkins on
What do dancing gorillas, Ferdinand Magellan, naked PlayStation 3s, and PaRappa the Rapper's age have in common?
Totally Rad (NES)
Reviews by Mark Freedman on
Will this game have you saying "Excellent!" or "Bogus, dude!"?
That’s So Cliché: Floating Edition
Columns by The Ominous Voice on
How do those platforms stay up there, anyway?
Versus Mode: Mega Man, Capcom, and Mighty No. 9
Columns by Nathaniel Hoover and Joseph Martin on
GC writers Nathaniel Hoover and Joseph Martin tell their secret Mega Man fan origin stories, discuss Mighty No. 9, and tell Capcom how to run their business.
The Anger Dome: Mega Man Universe
Columns by Nathaniel Hoover on
Mega Man Universe is canceled, and Nathaniel Hoover is...happy?
Formal Warning to Dr. Albert Wily
Blog Posts by Nathaniel Hoover on
Dear Dr. Albert Wily, The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has completed its assessment of your company's place of business at 1 Skull Castle Way. We regret to inform you that your
Videogame Valentines
Videos by Nathaniel Hoover on
Video Valentines for the gamer geek in your life.