Archive for Tag: PS3
China, Part 1: The Land That Consoles Forgot
Blog Posts by David Donovan on
Greetings, GameCola readers. You may remember me from such articles as my review of the DS homebrew game Powder, my relentless fangasming over the works of Nihon Falcom, or, more recently, my total di
[NSFW] Videogames: The Reality
Comics by Christian Porter on
The harsh realities behind eight popular games.
PlayStation 3 Dropping to Reasonable Price!
News Posts by Paul Franzen on
Sony announced today that, for the first time since it was released in 2006 at the price of everything in your bank account, the PlayStation 3 would be dropping to a price that's actually reasonable f
The L/ate List Apocalyptic [NSFW]
Columns by Travis Combs on
Everyone needs a muse in their life, I’ve come to discover. Really, a "support muse" is more accurate. A support muse is someone who not only inspires you, but supports your personal passion even if they don't really understand what it is that drives this passion so much. Like Olivia Newton John and her sisters in all their neon glory in the movie Xanadu. (If you get that reference you're officially fucking awesome, by the way.)
Rocket Knight (PC)
Reviews by Stuart Gipp on
This is the most difficult review I will ever write. Don't get me wrong—I know exactly what I feel about Rocket Knight, the long-awaited new adventure for one of the 16-bit generation's cult heroes.
PS3: The Ultimate Printer Driver
Videos by Mark Freedman on
In need of some printing, and can't get off the PS3? Well, here's a little review on how this is done. With the latest firmware 3.40, there's even more opportunities to print! No, I'm not talking
Versus Mode: Virtual Boy, Online Pass, Marvel vs. Capcom 3, and More
Columns by GameCola on
Indie developer Tony "hotshot 10101" Pitman and GC's Eric Regan discuss the Virtual Boy, EA's Online Pass, Marvel vs. Capcom 3 characters, and more.
GC Podcast #17 on YouTube: Casting Our Own Pods
Videos by Nathaniel Hoover on
Some pesky podcasters have infested our lovely channel on YouTube and I need your help to listen to them!
… of the Month: The (8001050F) PS3 Kill Switch.
Columns by Matt Gardner on
By the time you read this, I can only hope this horror is a fading memory. For now, however, I am suffering through truly the grimmest day in my gaming life. Without delving too deeply into my personal struggle, let me recap exactly what is going on.