Archive for Tag: Soul Calibur
Soulcalibur V (X360)
Reviews by Matt Jonas on
Does the soul still burn?
Soulcalibur IV (PS3)
Reviews by Matt Gardner on
So, now that I've "taken care of" Zach Rich, I'll just go ahead and jump right into MY review of Soulcalibur IV. That's Soulcalibur, not Soul Calibur. For some reason, even though the Soul Calibur gam
Soul Calibur (X360-XBLA)
Reviews by Zach Rich on
GameCola Faythful, I've got a confession here to make. I, contrary to popular belief, am a recovering alcoholic. My explanation for digging up the past last month was simply because the insanity and
Soul Calibur (DC)
Reviews by Matt Gardner on
To commemorate the invention of the eight-way run, I'm going to have Paul do something special to this review. Paul, I'd like you to have the text of my review spiral out from the center in eight diff
Cheat Codes for Life
Columns by Julie Kozarsky on
Julie Kozarsky offers advice about getting your videogame-based movie made, finding people to play games with, and more.
Soul Calibur II (GCN)
Reviews by Brian Wolf on
It is every little boy's dream to go around the world waving swords around and wreaking havoc.
Carbonated News (February 2003)
News Posts by Paul Franzen on
Okay, this whole movie thing is starting to get pretty obnoxious. Apparently Samus Aran, female bounty hunter extraordinaire, has been the latest victim to the video game industry's cinematic trend,