Archive for Tag: video playthroughs
GC Family Game Night Returns!
Videos by Nathaniel Hoover on
Everyone's yelling over the top of each other and multiple people are dying. Just like game night back at home!
Diana’s Hatoful Boyfriend Adventure
Videos by Diana Gray on
Will romance be flying Diana's way today? (Get it? Flying?) Watch the video to find out!
[NSFW] Zero Escape: Virtue’s Last Reward Playthrough – Part 2: Reviving the Series
Videos by Nathaniel Hoover on
The puzzle-oriented visual novel returns! Well, it never really left; we just forgot to write about it again.
Shining Force – Magic Users Run
Videos by Michael Gray on
Michael Gray plays Shining Force: Resurrection of the Dark Dragon using only magic users. No, he doesn't get past the second chapter.
Crystalis: NES vs. GBC
Videos by Nathaniel Hoover on
One cult classic. Two completely different games.
Mega Man Madness!
Videos by Nathaniel Hoover on
Mega Man 1, 3, I, III, X, II, and X2. Who says the Mega Man series is all the same?
Nintendo Takes Action on the YouTube Scene
News Posts by Joseph Martin on
This is certainly a troubling time for many of those who have made gameplay videos for YouTube.
[NSFW] 999 With the Pony Pros – Part 3: And They All Lived Happily Ever After
Videos by Nikola Suprak on
Bloody knives, blindness jokes, and the SUDOKU PUZZLE OF DOOM!
[NSFW] 999 With the Pony Pros – Part 2: Things Get More Interesting, Then Way More Boring
Videos by Nikola Suprak on
Paulie Pie, Nikola Sparkle, and Mike Sunshine return for more ship-sinking, puzzle-solving (in)action!