Here at GameCola, we’re what you might call “Videogame Hipsters.” We were gaming outside the mainstream before it was cool. We were already talking about NES games no one played back in 2002, and we’re still doing it today. This is how you’ve come to know us, here at GameCola, and we’re not ashamed to don our thick-rimmed glasses while flaunting that we still have working first-generation Game Boys.
That’s why this podcast is all about GameCola’s new tagline: Gaming Outside the Mainstream! That’s right, Alex Jedraszczak, Paul Franzen, Nathaniel Hoover, Michael Ridgaway, Christian Porter, AND special guest star Joe Reviewer got together to talk about such topics as:
- Pokémon
- Mega Man
- Super Mario Bros.
And more! How much more? Well, you could look at the tags for this article, or you could just listen! It’s probably easier to listen, though. I mean, this podcast is only an hour and twenty-eight minutes long. To look at the tags, you’d have to scroll all the way back up there, and then you’d have to read… I mean, why read when you can just listen? Go ahead, it’s right there!
Audio PlayerIf anyone wants to sign that online petition that Paul referenced, you can check it out here.
Dear infamous comma,
We don’t care about you or your demands. So please leave us alone and get a life.
Thank you!
Podcast 55: Where JoeReviewer completely derails the Outside the Mainstream format.
It was soooooo trippy and awesome to hear myself on the GameCola Podcast! Thanks again guys, I had an awesome time!
Also, I think Jeddy may have given up on people listening to the end, cause that… that was… a thing… at the end.
Are you talking about the postcast chat? Those are always cut! The precast and postcast are usually the source of the “After the end” clip, but I rarely mix them into the body of the podcast. Don’t worry, though, there’s 13 minutes of precast and 16 minutes of postcast waiting for some Off-Topic Podcast in the future…!
Oh no, I was referring to whatever that was that you did put at the end of the podcast, I know that the other stuff goes into the “Perhaps use for Off-Topic Podcast” pile.
What I was saying is that in an earlier podcast you had said you didn’t think anyone listened to the end part, so I figured you had given up on putting something that made sense, though I’m sure to others it does. Somehow…
Oh, it all makes sense, now! You mean you’re not a fan of Group X?! The song’s a classic! In my day, that was the kind of thing that was hip on the internet. There was even a Flash animation that went along with it and everything.
i have yet to listen to this podcast, but before i go to bed i must demand that you do a live podcast for the spike vga’s again this year.
and i hate to ask this of you jeddy, but where would i send my e-mails if had questions for the podcast?
ME: until next time, say no to drugs say yes to…
Woah! Nathaniel Hoover and Princess Luna, what are you doing crashing into my living room?
Nathaniel Hoover: we must go right now, we need you for an epic quest.
ME: wait, me? why?
Princess Luna: well, this quest was intended for for the nostalgia critic, the spoony one, and likara, but…
Nathaniel Hoover: they got us instead.
ME: cool, lets get going.
Nathaniel Hoover: well then, it looks like…
*me,nanthaniel and luna take out sunglasses simultaneously*
Princess Luna: …That the awsomeness…
*we all put on our sunglasses simultaneously*
ME: …has been tripled.
P.S. i had way too much fun writing this, and if you don’t get my references, just search for princess luna on my little pony, and horatio cane one liners from csi miami.
until next time, let the epic quest…begin….
That’s why you need to listen to the podcast! At the end of every podcast, we tell you how to contact us. Email! Also, visit our actual internet website, Rate us highly on iTunes, and follow us on Twitter @GameCola. Also visit us on YouTube; look for user GCDotNet!
… Sorry, I got carried away in the moment. But, don’t worry! We’re making plans for the Spike TV Presents Spike TV’s Spike TV Video Game Awards on Spike TV’s Spike TV Channel!
sorry, i got caught up in something to, although it was being tired. i am indeed a regular podcast listner, so that fact that i forgot the address you repeat at the end of everyone just makes me want to facepalm, but thanks anyway.
until next time, DFTBA.
It happens to the best of us. For a long time, Paul and I had to go look up whether the email was “Podcast” or “Podcasts”. I think a clip about that is in the Off-Topic Podcast that’s going to be released soon, actually.
… Which reminds me, I need to finish the article for that if it’s actually going to be released soon.
New rule: No answering emails about My Little Pony unless one of the Michaels is there to discuss it.
i just sent off my e-mail to jeddy, and it does not have to do with ponies, thank you very much. just some questions about a future podcast. i would never deny you the opportunity to be part of a pony conversation.
until next time, say no to drugs, say yes to “WWNDD?”
*Finishes listening to the podcast*
What the hell did I just listen to?
Probably Podcast #55!
Paul, if you’re getting into visual novels, you HAVE to play the Pride and Prejudice dating sim / visual novel!
I dunno about that. I didn’t even like the version with zombies.
But Miles Edgeworth is one of the romantic interests!
I don’t think I trust Miles Edgeworth in the hands of Jane Austen!
Do it!!!!
MAYBE I’ll watch Michael’s videos for it. …Maybe.
Augh! I am SO UPSET that I had to step away from the podcast during the part about alcohol in videogames. I coulda talked about EarthBound, Wario Land 2, Morrowind, and confirm that it was actually poi they were snarfing down in Chrono Trigger.