In this edition of “The GameCola Podcast,” Michael Gray, Michael Ridgaway, Zach Rich, and Nathaniel Hoover discuss:
- The new GameCola
- Save Points : good or bad?
- People are more excited for re-releases than completely new games.
- Some series (i.e. Sonic) get away with making millions off of bad games, just because of the license.
- Batman Begins is a franchise reboot, not a remake. I (Michael Gray) don’t really understand the difference.
- Live multiplayer is better than online multiplayer.
- Michael Ridgaway played the Ghostbusters game, tried to play Tales of the Abyss and is playing Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon.
- Zach wants to see a game with Bowser as the main character.
- Voice acting in the Mario games.
- Nathaniel Hoover is playing Tales of Symphonia, Dragon Warrior III and Final Fantasy VIII.
- Michael Gray is playing Nancy Drew: Ransom of the Seven Ships, Duck Tales 2 (both the NES and GameBoy versions) and Kwirk.
- Zach Rich is playing Pokémon Red, Sam & Max: Season One, Magic: The Gathering, Peggle, The Dishwasher: Dead Samurai, and Mass Effect 2.
- Everyone discusses the upcoming Tales of Monkey Island: Launch of the Screaming Narwhal.