• Rez HD (X360-XBLA)

    ...of issue #1, She-Hulk states that if you don’t take your second chance to buy her book, she will come to your house and rip up all of your X-Men...

  • Final Fantasy Legend III (GB)

    ...You go to PRESENT, PAST, FUTURE, UNDERWATER, FLOATLAND, PURELAND, and UNDERGROUND PURELAND, and a bunch of towns and dungeons in between. You have four main characters—two humans (better at weapons),...

  • The Ten Reasons: Banjo-Kazooie (Part One)

    ...L-button is impossible to reach, there’s a d-pad that is used in a grand total of ZERO videogames, and four of its buttons—the C-buttons—are only ever used to control a...

  • Source Nintendo (January 2008)

    ...everything, escape underwater, and swim with tons of little fishies? Yeah, me neither, but Endless Ocean is still a really fun, neat game, if you’re looking for something slowly-paced and...

  • … of the Month: Best Guest Host EVER

    ...the best. As usual, if you reader have any ideas about this, feel free to post them in the comments section. On a more imaginary note, let us all take...

  • Inside the Guide: Reading Games

    ...That looks like Bert, right? Sorta? Well, I guess it doesn’t really matter, as no one ever needed to use this guide. Sesame Street ABC The game does not accept...

  • Illusion of Gaia (SNES)

    ...faster the better. Franzen. Now there was a white beast. I downed the last bit of Mountain Dew and went to the window. Chief Franzen had been on my case...

  • Snowboard Kids (N64)

    ...flawless Sonic the Hedgehog for the 360 really is. I can also talk about how stupid putting underscores in your username really is, and that Big_Blaze and I can never...

  • Default Thumbnail

    Pimp My ‘Cola: Columbia College Chicago’s Videogame Club

    Dear GameCola readers: It is me, your PR manager, Gina, aka diagnosticmad, once again checking in. I’m sorry that I have been mostly absent these past months. Between finding out...

  • Submissions (October 2007)

    ...care or not, but I figure that it’s worth a shot. I’m trying!!! – Alex Jedraszczak Paul: Yes! Now THAT is a good idea! Absolutely free, absolutely easy, and it...