• Super Meat Boy Loves the 90s

    The latest trailer for the indie platformer Super Meat Boy comes to us straight from the mad men of the 1990s, complete with deranged spirals, eyeballs, shouting, and the promised...

  • XBLI Games Now Impossible to Find

    This probably doesn’t affect you, because you didn’t know that Xbox Live Indie Games were a thing, despite my best efforts; but now, thanks to the 360’s latest dashboard update,...

  • Nintendo Retcons Super Mario Bros.

    Via Kotaku, it looks like GameCola’s ongoing debate of “Is she Princess Toadstool or Princess Peach?” has finally been put to rest. In its latest re-release of Super Mario All-Stars,...

  • Carbonated News: December 2009

    Welcome to “Carbonated News,” GameCola’s news column that gets you up-to-date with all the latest gaming news. Or, as I like to call it, the column that desperately needs a...

  • GC Podcast #17: Casting Our Own Pods

    Hello, everyone. Paul here, hosting and editing the latest edition of “The GameCola Podcast,” because…because…actually, I’m not sure how I got saddled with this. I think somebody must’ve died. Anyway,...

  • Fabricated News: Miles Edgeworth 2 Boxart

    “Fabricated News” here, with the latest Phoenix Wright news scoop! We now have a cover for the upcoming Miles Edgeworth 2 game! The fans have gone completely crazy over the...

  • Carbonated News: E3 2009 Preview

    ...I’ll get you up-to-date on all the latest rumors. Nintendo at E3 Nintendo has promised to put on a bigger showcase this year than they did last year. That can’t...

  • The Ten Reasons: Super Smash Bros. Brawl

    ...to speak at length in their games. Mario’s still only got a bunch of “Ya-Wahoo!” noises again even in the latest, Super Mario Galaxy. It’s just not part of the...

  • R.I.P. SmarterChild

    I just IMed SmarterChild to catch up on the latest gossip. He only had this to say: “My brain is retired but send an IM with ALERTS in it to...

  • Default Thumbnail

    Forums, RSS and Rating Problems

    ...the latest issue is aware, there are some big upgrades going on for some of the interactive GameCola features—in this case, comments and ratings. However, there have been some teething...