• Dear Readers: View-Master Interactive Vision

    ...the images to make a complete picture, and all could easily be done on an old Atari, without the cartoon backgrounds. As for other games for the system…we can probably...

  • Ape Quest (PSP)

    ...people read features of RPGs, they want to see the following things: some big number of weapons/armor/items to collect, some big number of hours of playtime, some kind of customizability...

  • Default Thumbnail

    Galcon Fusion (PC)

    ...Milk Duds—I mean, use your imagination here. Conveniently, the number of calories in each planet is clearly labeled and visible from space. That’s all there is to it: Automatically generate...

  • Poor Player’s Paradise

    ...The missions can make this game both annoying and fun, as many people simply beg others to let them win so they can finish the mission. Others quit matches prematurely...

  • The Final Fantasy Legend (GB)

    ...compared to 7th Saga, this game is difficult for me. The game is built differently than most RPGs, even by today’s standards. Weapons can only be used a limited number...

  • PlayStation Vita Release Dates Released

    ...be released in North America, Latin America, Australia and Europe on February 22 next year. This is a significant amount of time after the Japanese launch, which is due for...

  • Carbonated News: September 2009

    ...Investigations was delayed three. Actually…wait, is it called Half-Life 2? Maybe I’m thinking of BioShock 2. I don’t own a PS3, in case you can’t tell. Anyway, where was I?...

  • Castlevania: Dracula X (SNES)

    ...Castlevania. Seven stages (with two alternates) is all you’re really facing here; from a gameplay point of view, this game doesn’t even stack up to Castlevania IV or even III....

  • Beavis and Butt-head (SNES)

    ...against for causing kids to be kids, laughing at the unfortunate, and burning down houses. Like their other attempts to capitalize on other hit TV shows, Viacom published different Beavis...

  • Anime Expo 2015 Wrapup

    ...Cons! Hahaha…I’m sorry) to Anime Expo as a whole, but I’ll recap in as clear a way as I can, complete with more pictures than you probably want or need....