• SNK Arcade Classics Vol. 1 (Wii)

    ...SNK is certainly something that benefits from a cheap little disc like this. Raise your hand if you remember the Neo-Geo. OK, now raise your hand if you remember the...

  • WiiWare Review (July 2008)

    ...timed button pressing, which can be really fun head to head with a friend. Less so with the AI, which requires you to use cheap power-ups and luck to win....

  • [NSFW] Nier (X360)

    ...in what appears to be slap-bang in the streets of a destroyed and snow-laden Tokyo, are two mystical books that contain the key to Yonah and her father’s salvation, and/or...

  • The 2008 GameCola Videogame Awards

    ...modern-day Shibuya shopping district of Tokyo. Besides the standard RPG fare—fighting things, etc.—this game introduces a concept totally foreign to most gamers: Fashion. Wearing fashionable clothes in this game powers...

  • The GameCola Interview: Greg Johnson

    ...800. The whole idea of computer games was a new concept. EA was just getting started. In fact when I did my first project with them they only had about...

  • The Vana’diel Diaries (October 2006)

    ...the crabs, but we were unable to carry the day. For battle number two, I completely spazzed and bound my crab before Mindfreak even started casting. I did, however, keep...

  • The Vana’diel Diaries (February 2007)

    ...off a special attack, but it still took a while. It’s still very tedious, boring work. I think the days of me playing BLU are numbered. December 6 Yeah, though...

  • Submissions (April 2007)

    ...and can still be purchased new. If you happen to be interested in Bronkie specifically, you can call this number to order it: 1-800-243-5864. No kidding. The Poor Player’s Paradise...

  • WiiWare Review (June 2008)

    ...repetitive and annoying as the limited number of enemy variations, and the boss battles are almost boring. SAVE YOUR POINTS, especially if you are a shooter fan.” June 9th, 2008...

  • Castlevania: Symphony of the Night (XBLA)

    ...I’ve said my piece. The numbers add up. For 800 Microsoft Points, take away a challenging Live Arcade title that accurately delivers the same gameplay we know and love. A...