• Power Gloves & Tinfoil Hats: Case #002

    Endless Pokémon Most Beautiful “…from so simple a beginning endless forms most beautiful and most wonderful have been, and are being, evolved.” – Charles Darwin on Pokémon With the number...

  • Can With Oil (iPhone)

    ...Oil is a perfect example of this. Beautiful HD graphics. Can With Oil is an iPhone game which…oh man, I’m not sure I can explain it. I don’t think I...

  • Star Fox 64 3D (3DS)

    ...to disable the warlord Andross who threatens to engulf the Lylat System in death and destruction. The game consists of a number of on-rails shooter levels where the player pilots...

  • [NSFW] … of the Month: Samurai 4’s “Surprise”

    ...READ THE ARTICLE. Samurai Sex Sim Surprise of the Month… An Old Friend in Way of the Samurai 4 Looks like Number 4 is when a series stops and asks,...

  • 101010, Chapter 3: Meet the Players

    ...to read Michael’s. The Pony Pros must take charge in the first challenge. Each pony must lead a group through the door. The number of people in the group is...

  • 101010, Chapter 4: Rules of the Game

    ...style font. To ensure that all players are present, please press your hand to the screen in the order of bracelet numbers, 1-10. “Okay, who’s one?” Paul called, and there...

  • 101010, Chapter 7: Four-Player Versus

    ...half the deck. Place down cards, and whoever has the higher number takes both cards. Your goal is to get the entire deck. If you both play the same number,...

  • Dwarf Fortress (PC)

    ...age, average mineral quantities, and number of legendary beasts. Once you’ve inputted your parameters, you’ll literally see the world form up, climates change, and civilizations rise and fall. In the...

  • Math Gardener (X360-XBLI)

    ...game presents four flower pots to you, each with a number written on the front. There is a randomly generated math problem on a cloud, and you move said cloud...

  • Wii Fit (Wii)

    ...more time you spend playing all of the minigames, the more minigames you unlock, either through cumulative time played or number of times you played a particular game. It’s sort...