• Exile trilogy (PC)

    ...finally killing a legacy that was molested and sealed away from sociological decorum the minute Meteo Xavier joined the writing staff. And the timing couldn’t be better. I mean, c’mon—even...

  • Mega Man 3 (NES)

    ...games between two pathetic individuals trying to write entertaining, thought-provoking, and genuinely laugh out loud material as we prod every coded line of these classic games and fail faster than...

  • Captain Novolin (SNES)

    What’s the first thing you think of when I say “superhero”? Superman? Spider-Man? Flying? Capes? X-ray vision? Secret identities? Well, you quite possibly have a good idea of what a...

  • Dear Readers: View-Master Interactive Vision

    ...screenshot is actually taken from an image on the IntVis’s box. If you wanna see shots of the box—including a special message from the President of View-Master!—click here and here....

  • The Ten Reasons: Super Smash Bros. Brawl

    ...Are these better or worse than the graphics when you’re doing a real battle? Michael: They are better than the battle graphics. Michael: The cutscenes don’t make a whole lot...

  • The Gates of Life: Episode 62 – Cheese it!

    ...Rosa, incidentally, who were still happily having sex in the woods. Fifa Diprovo 4: They left behind someone else, too…someone who wasn’t happily having sex. Fifa Diprovo 4: Or even...

  • Pimp My ‘Cola: The Great GameCola Slogan Contest

    ...including: GameCola: Videogame Humor GameCola: Fulfilling Your Thirst for Video Game Entertainment GameCola: It’s Better Than Being Raped by a Penguin GameCola: Not a Porn Site GameCola: Making Out With...

  • The 2008 GameCola Videogame Awards

    ...Curious Village Last Year’s Winner: Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney – Trials and Tribulations Best Downloadable Console Game Braid (X360-XBLA) Speaking of time travel, Braid offers a different take on how...

  • Gamer Girlfriend: Gamer Boyfriend

    ...out there for guys to find, your best bet is to find a girl and make her a gamer. So here are some tips for you single guys out there...

  • Gamer Girlfriend: Shut Up, Ted

    ...depth, and talked about the faux-World War II setting, the back-stories of the main characters, and the indescribable loathing he felt for Selvaria (aka “Über-Bitch”). As he spoke, I listened...