• Bust-a-Move 4 (DC)

    ...the series spans almost every system and handheld from the 16-bit days of SNES to even the new taco phone/handheld atrocity called the N-Gage (that title is Puzzle Bobble VS),...

  • Carbonated News (January 2004)

    ...in the United States. This isn’t yet another package of classic Atari games or something to play on your cell phone while waiting two hours for the school bus to...

  • Versus Mode: SimCity vs. The Sims

    ...and industrial, building power plants and police stations, setting up roads and phone lines, all that fun stuff that needsta be done in order to forge a new city. If...

  • Submissions (May 2005)

    ...phone and ran out the door. Admittedly, after I got in my car, I was speeding and wasn’t even sure what for. It turns out my mother had a few...

  • Mystic Messenger 2.0 – The V Edition

    ...read. “New phone, who dis?” wasn’t an option, unfortunately. It was absolutely insane to talk with her and have calls with her. There’s even a bad ending where you can...

  • [NSFW] Bill & Ted’s Excellent Video Game Adventure (NES)

    ...this just slightly excellent single player roleplay/action/adventure, B&T bee-bop through the Circuits of Time via their time-travelin’ phone booth.” Assuming that she meant “shameful excuse for a Nintendo game” instead...


    ...me say that again. AUGUST 29, 2014! Yes, I’ve said it so much that my phone auto corrects August to be in all capital letters! It seems the game will...

  • The Silent Age (PC)

    ...uses an old flip-phone that can only play the “why is my battery so low again?” game. As an experienced adventure gamer, a time travel aficionado with a soft spot...

  • Nancy Drew: Labyrinth of Lies (PC)

    ...Just based on the game’s title, I was expecting a maze puzzle or something to do with the minotaur, but I’m satisfied with the Persephone myth instead. The weakest part...

  • Scratching the Itch.io #10

    ...Mac, AND Android copies, but if you’re low on cash and just want to play on your phone, you can check out the cheaper link. Colony One Colony One looks...