• Cheat Codes for Life

    On the date of August 24th, 2005, I was caught with my pants down in front of a cop car that had been set on fire, while holding a book...

  • Captain Eric’s Super Thumb Feature Presentation

    ...even since the 80s! WOO! Perry Mason is a very LAZY adventure game. It can barely be called a game, really; it’s more like an e-book with minimal input thrown...

  • The Secret of Monkey Island (PC)

    ...have been like. MI, on the other hand, threw the book on pirates out the window. Here we have pirates who don’t just sword fight—they consider the winner of the...

  • Cheat Codes for Life

    On the date of August 24th, 2005, I was caught with my pants down in front of a cop car that had been set on fire, while holding a book...

  • [NSFW] The Punisher (MXB)

    ...comic book license? And yes, somehow I’ve seen both of them several times, despite not being a fan what-so-ever of the comic (or any comics in general, for that matter)....

  • Pokémon Pearl (DS)

    ...are basic but acceptably so, since it’s a pretty by-the-book RPG at its core. Music in the game is much, much better than the Pokémon battle cry sound effects. If...

  • X-Men Legends (PS2)

    Introduction for those au fait with good literature: Oh…greetings. I was just delving into my favourite Clive Cuss–, umm, I mean Leo Tolstoy book, Peace and The Art of Shooting...

  • Versus Mode: Violent Games, Pre-Teen Raider, Wal-Mart, and More

    ...placed upon them. If your kid somehow comes home with a videogame, DVD, book, magazine, or anything else that has content that you don’t feel they should be seeing, it’s...

  • Submissions (November 2007)

    ...corner, a fact that made Paul happy. Paul didn’t know why, but, somehow, things just felt _better_ when Matt was nearby. Matt put down his book and said, “So…I was...

  • Top of the Heap: Top of 2007

    ...for the Sega Genesis. Bottom: Fox’s Peter Pan and The Pirates Yes, other by-the-book licensed platformers are all terrible, unimaginative pieces of trash, but they at least have the decency...