• Your Top 10 Favorite Games: David Crislip

    ...Genesis had already been released by then and SEGA of America had wrested control of their North American distribution from Tonka) and could be obtained for around $50. Phantasy Star...

  • [NSFW] Sol-Feace (SCD)

    ...trying to persuade the South American public into thinking anyone wanted to see her naked. As you can see, the game is a SHMUP. Not a shmuck, not a shmuppet,...

  • Final Fantasy XII (PS2)

    ...the genre, have been thirsting for this title. I picked my copy up at a midnight release party at Gamestop—nearly 50 people attended, a considerable number in costume, and all...

  • A Retrospective into the Videogame Sequels of Old

    ...experiment and take risks with the IP they had in their hands, instead of simply slapping a number “2” on the game’s title and be done with it. Donkey Kong...

  • Q&AmeCola: Your First Game

    ...up to the screen. Wasn’t that just a generic romp through Nostalgia World? (Jeff is the author of “Gamera Obscura.”) Christian Porter Number Magic The year was 1984. I was...

  • Wii Fit (Wii)

    ...a lazy American gaijin, you are most likely one of those people, and that number is probably higher in the States. If you’re looking to finally crack down on your...

  • Are You Game?: Virtual Console

    Rating your Wii Virtual Console collection. Well, I figured it was time to write this article. With WiiWare and Virtual Console titles growing in number every week, it’s becoming increasingly...

  • The Final Fantasy Legend (GB)

    I’ve always hated Final Fantasy Legend. As a lover of RPGs, I’ve tried to play this game a number of times, but I’ve never been able to beat it. Even...

  • GameCola’s E3 Application

    ...A copy of the Web site’s business license or government issued documentation showing the business’s federal tax identification number. Wait, what the? Federal Tax Identification Number? For a web site?...

  • Minus the Pudding: The Best of Xbox Live Indie Games

    ...there are absolutely no numbers involved. Literally the only reason I downloaded this game was because it reminded me of a freeware game called Number Munchers that I used to...