• Puzzle Agent 2 (PC)

    ...these were easy to code—that all it took was a graphical switchover and some slight rejiggering. The story now travels completely linearly. If someone doesn’t give you the clues you...

  • Faxanadu (NES)

    ...and special items that are about as effective as the DARE program. This comes with the added bonus of RPG features, such as incredibly slow, unskippable text that describes a...

  • Resident Evil 4 HD (PSN)

    ...Perhaps “a few” is an understatement. Capcom still plans on riding the RE4 wave for another six years or so, so they’ve sent us a review code so we can...

  • Versus Mode: Stereoscopic 3D, Fat Avatars, and More

    ...who got banned—a bit of code in the Xbox that corrupts all future save games, meaning that anything I save from now on will be corrupt if I try to...

  • Jake Hunter Detective Story: Memories of the Past (DS)

    ...fights—or, at least, I never did, and I’m not very good at videogames. The second thing this game does that Phoenix doesn’t is that it has many ham-fisted secret code...

  • Rock Band 2 (X360)

    ...great, wet tears are streaming down my face because of Harmonix’s betrayal. I just don’t know what to believe anymore. And I don’t know where to go from here. There’s...

  • Dear Readers: Scenes of Costa Rica

    ...Let’s see…what are we going to have in this issue…. I bet we’re going to have The Ten Reasons, because Michael sent in this month’s The Ten Reasons four months...

  • The Silent Age (PC)

    ...could be. I said be, not bee, silly. I’ll bet you misheard me just so I could use this nifty screenshot. The Silent Age takes place, in part, in 1972....

  • What the Crap?: Voice Chat

    Is this thing on? You bet your sweet ass it is. But for many, there isn’t a “thing.” For others, some use this thing as a boom box over their...

  • Gamera Obscura: Asmik-kun Land

    ...as well as titles that will forever remain sequestered within one region of the world. You’d better be prepared to be educated a little, because there is much that you...