Archive for Tag: April Fools’ Day
Did Someone Order a Vanilla Shake-Up?
News Posts by Shannon Hoover on
In a world-rending broadcast, a spokeswoman for Blizzard announced today that World of Warcraft will be dramatically shifting the tone of the game with their next expansion, Echo of Azeroth.
Diana’s Anime Expo Plans
Blog Posts by Diana Gray on
Diana's going to Anime Expo 2015, and you won't believe what she has planned!
Phoenix Wright Too Mainstream For GameCola!
News Posts by Daniel Castro on
Is this it? Is this the year when GameCola must stop writing about Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney? Daniel's evidence seems to point that way.
Huck It: Freeride Skiing 3D (iOS)
Reviews by Michael Gray on
If I'm so bad at this game, why did I play it? Two words: Abraham Lincoln.
- – Reviewing Games Before They’re Cool
Blog Posts by Alex Jedraszczak on
We're currently working on changing our domain name to
JD Jedcast #J: The Jeddy Show!
Podcasts by Alex Jedraszczak on
We have an extra-special treat for you folks, this month!
GC Podcast #48: UNCUT
Podcasts by Alex Jedraszczak on
We're getting back into our normal swing of things here at The GameCola Podcast, but this month's recording was rushed and ended up a little short. With that said, we present to you the 48th installme