Archive for Tag: Back to the Future
Back to the Future: The Game – Episode 2: The Video Walkthrough – The Post: THE POST
Videos by Nikola Suprak on
GameCola's video walkthrough for Episode 2 of Back to the Future: The Game has been uploaded to our video channel! Come listen to Paul, Michael Gray, and myself offer commentary for the second episode.
Back to the Future: The Game – Episode 1: The Video Walkthrough – The Post: The Details
Videos by Nikola Suprak on
Now that I have met Telltale's minimum punctuation quota, I am allowed to announce to everyone that Paul and I spent some time and added commentary to the first episode of Back to the Future: The Game, which was uploaded by Michael Gray and then left forsaken and alone, like so many of his illegitimate children.
SECOND OPINION: Back to the Future: Episode 5 (PC)
Reviews by Michael Gray on
Back to the Future: The Game - Episode 5: OUTATIME is pretty much a great game. The only problem I can really see with this game is that it's so good, it makes you realize how bad the other games in t
Back to the Future: The Game (PC)
Reviews by Nikola Suprak on
After playing through and reviewing a couple of the earlier installments of the Back to the Future: The Game episodic adventure series, I came to the unbelievable conclusion that they were all pretty
[NSFW] Poor Player’s Paradise
Columns by Christian Porter on
Since the last “Poor Player’s Paradise,” the sun has come out and the first day of summer is just a few weeks away. So, how best to celebrate this? Easy: stay the hell inside your house. It’s hot out—too hot to go screwing around outdoors like some kind of sweaty jackass. Your friends may laugh … Continue reading "[NSFW] Poor Player’s Paradise"
Back to the Future: The Game – Episode 3: Citizen Brown (PC)
Reviews by Nikola Suprak on
My initial attempt to submit this review involved me copy/pasting my review of the first episode, correcting the name of the title, and adding a couple pictures of Doc Brown impregnating the mother of
Back to the Future: The Game – Episode 2: Get Tannen! (PC)
Reviews by Michael Gray on
I'm not sure what's going on with Back to the Future: The Game - Episode 2: Get Tannen! And no, I'm not only talking about the game's title, which is almost as long as the game itself. The game was re
Back to the Future: Episode 2 Released?!
News Posts by Paul Franzen on
Wait...when did this happen? The last I heard they only had a "release month" of February; they hadn't even announced an actual date yet! Telltale hasn't even posted about it on their Facebook page! W
Back to the Future Coming to PS3 in Two Weeks
News Posts by Paul Franzen on
FINALLY! After what feels like years but has actually been, literally, maybe a month, Telltale Games has announced the PS3 release date for their first episodic Back to the Future adventure game: Feb