Archive for Tag: Battlefield 3
Q&AmeCola: Anger-Inducing Games
Columns by GameCola Staff on
Seven games that induce RAAAAAAAAAAAAAGE!
What the Crap?: Warnings and Delays and Clogs, Oh My!
Columns by Mark Freedman on
This article periodically saves data to the hard drive. Please do not power off your computer read this article while the hard drive light is on. If you do, we will automatically erase all your data a
E3 2011: The Microsoft Press Conference
News Posts by Michael Gray on
GameCola reports live from the wrong press conference.
PAX East 2011 Impressions
Blog Posts by Christian Porter on
Another PAX East is in the books and, despite only being there for one day, I was definitely able to see a lot of what was going on. Not the least of what was going on: lines, and lots of them. Here'