Archive for Tag: children
[NSFW] GC Podcast #100: Part 2-Seems Like Only Yesterday
Podcasts by Alex Jedraszczak on
The Podcast #100 celebration continues with old-timers Alex Jedraszczak, Nathaniel Hoover, and Mike Ridgaway!
Little Kids Gaming
Blog Posts by Michael Gray on
Michael reflects on his cousins' inability to play games correctly.
Impaired Closed Captioning: Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles: Echoes of Time
Columns by Nathaniel Hoover on
I can't imagine how much money Google has poured into this Transcribe Audio thing, but it's obviously not enough.
You Can’t Even Pay People to Enjoy Kinect Star Wars
News Posts by Paul Franzen on
Watch as the two unhappiest children in the world are forced to podrace, lightsaber-duel, and gyrate wildly to a Stormtrooper-infested version of "YMCA." I think it's supposed to be a trailer for Kine
Corpse Party (PSP)
Reviews by Michael Ridgaway on
I am TERRIFIED of undead children. I can deal with just about anything else, but give me zombie children, ghost children, or anything else that’s little, dead, and moving, and I freak right the hell out. So, when GameCola’s fearless leader Beardface the Red asked for someone to play and review Team Gris Gris and … Continue reading "Corpse Party (PSP)"
Police Quest 4: Open Season (PC)
Reviews by Frank Jacobs on
Imagine if there was a game that had all the basic elements of a decent adventure game, but with none of the cues, hints, or logic of any ordinary game of the genre.
Children Explain What Swarm is, and it’s Great
News Posts by Paul Franzen on
If you don't already know what Swarm is, it's an XBLA/PSN sorta-platformer in which you... Actually, you know what? I don't think I'm the man for the job. I think there's a man much more appropriate t