Archive for Tag: EarthBound
Hippie Battle
Videos by Paul Franzen on
A fantastic reenactment of a battle from the SNES game EarthBound.
Mother 3 Fan Translation Released!
News Posts by Michael Ridgaway on
It's like Christmas, Chanukah, St. Patty's Day, Thanksgiving, the 4th of July, and my birthday all rolled into one package! Over the weekend, the fan translation for Mother 3, or EarthBound 2, was rel
Digital Championship Wrestling: Ness vs. Sakura in a Chutes and Ladders Match
Columns by Paul Franzen on
Paul: They're hanging from the rafters here in the new James Pond Memorial Coliseum, and who can blame them, after last month's EPIC scaffold match?
Captain Eric’s Super Thumb Feature Presentation
Columns by Eric Regan on
Once again, it is that time. YES everyone, it is THUMBS time! You may all rejoice at once. Now, everybody knows how wonderful and exciting this feature always is, BUT this edition may just top them al
Your Top 10 Favorite Games: Nate Sawoar
Fan Submissions by GameCola on
10. Wrath of the Black Manta (NES): This game is accurately the COOLEST THING EVER. You are a kicking-ass ninja who has to stop drug dealers. STUPID kids get captured. Crazy bad-asses somehow ruined this language while trying to make money, but this game describes the hardworking Ninja busting down New York assholes.
You Learn Something New Every Play: EarthBound
Columns by Brian Vanek on
In my 14 years of playing video games, I have been told many things. "You should do something constructive", or "quit wasting your time". There is one thing that those people don't realize. I have lea
Your Top 10 Favorite Games: Aaron Waters
Columns by Aaron Waters on
Aaron Waters's top 10 least-favorite videogames.
EarthBound (SNES)
Reviews by Brian Wolf on
How many games can you honestly say have given you sinus infections?