Archive for Tag: Michael Gray
Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles: Echoes of Time
Videos by Nathaniel Hoover on
Nobody likes a tease, and that's precisely why staff writers Michael Ridgaway and Michael Gray teased the world with a woefully incomplete run of Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles: Echoes of Time for
Of GameStop and Shrink Wrap
Blog Posts by Michael Gray on
Staff writer Michael Gray had a weird experience at GameStop recently.
Inside the Guide: NES Completion Project
Columns by Michael Gray on
"Inside the Guide" tells you about Michael's contributions to the NES Completion Project.
Okamiden (Okami for the DS)
News Posts by Michael Gray on
A brief preview of the upcoming Okami DS game.
Team Edward or Team Jacob?
Blog Posts by Michael Gray on
GameCola has been asked to weigh in on the Twilight debate. Do we really HAVE to talk about this?
GC Podcast #28: A God Among Men
Podcasts by Paul Franzen on
In this edition of The GameCola Podcast, Michael Gray, Michael Ridgaway, Vangie Rich, Paul Franzen, and Elizabeth Medina-Gray discuss Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth, the Phoenix Wright s
Fabricated News: Fire Emblem Remakes
News Posts by Michael Gray on
Fabricated News takes a look at the new Japanese Fire Emblem game, a remake of the first game in the series.
Fanfiction Roundup
Blog Posts by Michael Gray on
When did GameCola get a fiction section?
Nancy Drew: Trail of the Twister
Videos by Michael Gray on
Nancy Drew's latest adventure, Trail of the Twister, was recently released, and no one is surprised to learn that staff writer and avid Nancy Drew fan Michael Gray has already finished his video walkt
Mario and Peach
Blog Posts by Michael Gray on
I mentioned this on the GameCola Podcast recently, but what's up with Super Mario Galaxy 2 and its insistence that Mario and Peach are a romantic couple? I mean, look at the dialogue options you ha