Archive for Tag: Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World
Retro ≠ Good: River City Ransom
Columns by Daniel Castro on
Daniel comes back once again to discuss how some retro games are not as good as people remember. This time he lashes out against River City Ransom...what? This can't be right...
GC Podcast #37 on YouTube: This Thing Came Apart
Videos by Nathaniel Hoover on
What a catchy title! "This Thing Came Apart." Makes you wonder what came apart, hmm...?
Better Late Than Never
News Posts by Matt Jonas on
Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World gets online multiplayer—two years after the fact.
Urban Brawl: Action DooM 2 (PC)
Reviews by Matt Jonas on
Action DooM 2 is an incredibly well-crafted piece of art, but it's also chock full of gameplay.
Scott Pilgrim vs. The World: The Game (XBLA)
Reviews by Matt Jonas on
Great Scott! Three months ago, you'd have asked me "What is Scott Pilgrim?" and I'd have said, "It's a comic book." I didn't know anything about the characters, the story or anything else. Now it is i
GC Podcast #26: E3 2010
Podcasts by Paul Franzen on
The latest edition of The GameCola Podcast has just been released, featuring E3 coverage from three people who didn't actually go to E3. Michael Gray, Paul Franzen, and Elizabeth "Lizo" Medina-Gray di
Scott Pilgrim vs. My Heart
Videos by Paul Franzen on
Scott wins. I don't know if I actually want to see the Scott Pilgrim movie or not, but this trailer of the upcoming game based on the movie...based on the comic book...which appears to be in part bas