Archive for Tag: Xbox Live Arcade
Sensible World of Soccer (X360-XBLA)
Reviews by Carl Houghton on
Yes, that's right. GameCola reviewed a sports game. A SOCCER game.
Castle Crashers Exhumed For PC Release
News Posts by Matt Jonas on
Behemoth has dug up the corpse of Castle Crashers and is going to be re-releasing the game on Steam later this year. Whoopee-do. You do realize it came out six years ago, right?
Sine Mora (XBLA)
Reviews by Zach Rich on
Sine Mora is Latin for “without delay,” and there’s no better way to describe the action of a bullet hell shoot-’em-up game. Every move a player makes in this genre needs to be deliberate, precise, and timed perfectly. The slightest mistake when piloting your little ship through a furious barrage of neon bright bullets will … Continue reading "Sine Mora (XBLA)"
Sonic CD Details: Release Dates, Pricing, and Delays
News Posts by Matt Jonas on
Capcom recently did an average job porting Resident Evil 4 and Resident Evil: Code Veronica to the Xbox 360 Games on Demand service and the PlayStation Network. Each of these releases will set you bac
Sonic CD Re-Release is Powered by Fan-Made Engine
News Posts by Matt Jonas on
Sonic CD will be released for the Xbox Live Arcade, PlayStation Network, PC, iOS devices, your Android, and your Windows 7 phone by the end of the year. Phew, that was a mouthful! Ha, that's what she
Sonic CD Coming to Xbox Live? Major Nelson Thinks So.
News Posts by Matt Jonas on
Larry Hyrb, Xbox Live's Major Nelson, has posted a blog entry confirming the existence of an Xbox Live version of Sonic CD, which I (and many other Sonic fans) consider to be one of the best games in
Crazy Taxi (XBLA) [NSFW]
Reviews by Matt Jonas on
Why am I even bothering to review this? Crazy Taxi is Crazy Taxi. You either know it or you don't. I can safely say that if you don't know Crazy Taxi, then you don't want this version. This version is
DeathSpank (XBLA)
Reviews by Paul Franzen on
It's been described as "equal parts Diablo and Monkey Island" by people who clearly don't remember Monkey Island very well (or, at least, who never played it on Mega Monkey mode). It's much more accur
A Kingdom for Keflings (XBLA)
Reviews by Christian Porter on
The Mario franchise probably wouldn't have the appeal it has today if it was just about an overweight Italian guy who liked to fondle mushrooms. (Not in the straight community, anyway.) Sonic the Hed
Mid-Boss: The Cost of XBLA Games
Columns by Stuart Gipp on
The contents of Mid-Boss’ base of operations are largely classified—however, Mid-Boss is begrudgingly allowing you to learn that he owns a computer with an excellent Internet connection. Accordingly, Mid-Boss spends a lot of time investigating the various gaming forums—and he is frequently bemused by what he finds.