In this retro-themed edition of The GameCola Podcast, Nathaniel Hoover, Christian Porter, Zach Rich, and GC Podcast virgin Stuart Gipp (that’s pronounced Gipp) discuss:
The games that got them all into gaming, and the games they grew up on
- Playing N64 for the first time when you’re young vs. playing it now
- The games that were most influential in the way they look at games today (including Mega Man, Sonic, Dragon Warrior, and Snowboard Kids)
- When was the golden age of gaming? The NES/SNES era? Today? When did it end?
- The current generation of consoles, and how their hardware and software stand up to yesteryear’s
- Playing games on the Virtual Console vs. emulators
- GameCola’s Top 50 Games of All Time—should Portal be #1?
- The games they’re playing now (including Red Dead Redemption and Final Fantasy: Dawn of Souls), and how they compare to games from their golden era
(Stay tuned for a bonus segment at the end, where our cast discusses the newer Mega Man games, videogame-based movies, and how they think it’s too bad they’re not recording this segment.)
(Also, sorry about the bad echo that permeates the podcast. Little-known-fact: GameCola Studios is actually located in the middle of a cave.)