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Xenoblade Chronicles 2 (Switch)
Awful tutorials, confounding gameplay, questionable character design, and gacha mechanics. Hard to believe it's one of my favorite games, but it is. Here's why...
[NSFW] Black Sigil: Blade of the Exiled (DS)
So dutifully trying to be Chrono Trigger it's both admirable and depressing at the same time.
[NSFW] Top of the Heap: Pokémon Games That Aren't
Nine knock-off Pokémon games you probably haven't caught yet.
[NSFW] Metroid Fusion (GBA)
The big N didn't do too many horrid things to Samus...
Inside the GameCola RPGcast: Crystalis and Final Fantasy
A behind-the-scenes look at the development of the Crystalis D&Dcast and the Final Fantasy RPGcast, complete with top-secret game materials for download!
Paris Hilton's Diamond Quest (Mobile)
Really, now. Paris Hilton has been licensed to appear in a videogame? "Wow, this has got to be abysmal at best," I thought. But you shouldn't run entirely on first impressions, for Paris Hilton's Dia
[NSFW] Silent Hill 4: The Room (PS2)
In celebration of All Hallows' Eve, here's the first of four scary-game reviews by GC writer and acclaimed scary person Meteo Xavier. Keep checking GameCola over the next few days for more! I could'
[NSFW] Little Nicky (GBC)
Here's the movie-based videogame that nobody wanted, or expected! Prepare to be sickened, amazed and bewildered by Little Nicky, the game where you can play as the son of Satan himself! The movie this

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