• Avenging Spirit (ARC)

    ...Spirit. All you do in this game is kill other people while you’re possessing someone else. Jaleco-vision Well, seeing as GameCola’s new thing is non-mainstream games, I felt I had...

  • Submissions (September 2007)

    ...favor you with huge tracks of land for marrying my beloved daughter Princess Peach. – Gina Michael: Dost thou mean “tracts of land”? ‘Tis quite an impressive dowry, when marrying...

  • Tekken 6 (X360)

    ...level. Cheap as chips, David Dickinson would say. Back onto the list of flaws, there’s the camera. The dodgy farkin’ camera. You can’t move the blasted thing when it’s in...

  • Mega Man Zero 2 (GBA)

    ...others in the Mega Man legacy is its grading system. The system counts the number of hits you take, the number of enemies you “retire” and the time taken to...

  • Q&AmeCola: Your First Game

    With all the quality reviews, delightful columns, and hard-hitting game journalism you can find here at GameCola, it’s sometimes hard to believe that the site’s written by regular people like...

  • Kirby’s Return to Dreamland (Wii)

    ...Kirby titles. Personally, I expected something more than just reusing an old formula. There is nothing new on offer here besides a few challenge rooms. Oh, who am I kidding—Nintendo’s...

  • [NSFW] … of the Month: Samurai 4’s “Surprise”

    ...to his three sexy lady clients to reap his reward. Their offer? Cash, or something a little more scandalous: Reward me. >Play with me. Nice. Naturally, Young Lad chose the...

  • Star Fox 64 3D (3DS)

    ...Lylat voice language. This is not present in Star Fox 64 3D. Ahem—why the hell not? I actually came to prefer Lylat Wars in the gibberish language because the animals...

  • Can With Oil (iPhone)

    Every now and then, I check up on videogames whose prices have dropped recently. Sometimes, I find some interesting games that are currently available for free, like Telltale Games’ Law...

  • Power Gloves & Tinfoil Hats: Case #002

    Endless Pokémon Most Beautiful “…from so simple a beginning endless forms most beautiful and most wonderful have been, and are being, evolved.” – Charles Darwin on Pokémon With the number...