• Poor Player’s Paradise

    To my faithful or not-so-faithful readers of the past few months, I have only one thing to say: “Free games suck!” That is the realization I have come to over...

  • Poor Player’s Paradise: All Under $25

    ...PS3 owners, it’s an Xbox exclusive. Alter Ego: Free Admittedly, this one isn’t so much of a game as it is a psychological experiment. It’s surprisingly capable at sucking you...

  • Pandaland (PC)

    ...out for free last year. It is currently available for Windows only, and the website itself is only in Swedish, so it isn’t going to reach a big audience unless,...

  • [NSFW] Why Am I Dead? (PC)

    ...out the game is not, as I thought, an Xbox Indie Game or a Steam Greenlight entrant—it’s a free Flash game. You start the game as a purple apparition, hovering...

  • PAX East 2013 Double-Recap

    ...of free-to-play games taking up some of the very largest booths on the floor. Dungeons & Dragons: Neverwinter, Eve Online, Eve Dust 514, League of Legends, Marvel Legends, and Wildstar—and...

  • Katawa Shoujo (PC)

    ...should speak as much! And the best part? It’s free! So go out and play it, and enjoy what’s probably the best free experience since sample day at the mall!...

  • Who Pays for Freemium Games?

    ...charge for it. I have made a grand total of zero purchases in freemium games. Even when I really enjoy a free-to-play game, like Temple Run 2 or Chuck’s Challenge,...

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    Philly Classic 3 Report

    ...expect), and paid our $15. A few of us were lucky enough to have a special card that entitled us to free gifts. These “free gifts” consisted of a waterproof...

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    Dear Readers: Rushed

    Dear Readers, If this issue of GameCola seems somewhat rushed, there’s a reason for it. With the new school year now upon us, the staff of your favorite free online...

  • … of the Month: Star Ocean: The Second Story

    ...customizable battle mode where you can choose if you want to fight in more of a classic RPG style, or a style which involved a lot more free movement and...