• Ikaruga (GCN)

    I’m not a hardcore shooter fan, but I decided to give Ikaruga a shot because I was bored and it was cheap. I don’t have much of a basis for...

  • Submissions (August 2005)

    ...the Ironforge gates; he seemed to be meditating in preparation for battle. Hmm, Eric thought, If I can just stealth and deliver one Cheap Shot I should have the upper...

  • Doom 64 (N64)

    ...to take that cheap shot), but it was still more of the same. Enter Doom 64, the Doom that was finally something new. Maybe this was partly a result of...

  • Captain Eric’s Super Thumb Feature Presentation

    ...No plot, no story—just card gaming vs. some stupid, then kinda hard, then cheap-ass cheating AI! Even if you never played the card game it isn’t very hard to pick...

  • Action Video Monopoly (GB)

    ...Monopoly is surprisingly worth the three bucks it fetches on eBay, and it’s a great cheap game to play with your family on those wonderful four-week driving trips to Utah....

  • Default Thumbnail

    The 2009 GameCola Videogame Awards

    ...Arkham Asylum could have shoveled out a phoned-in piece of pure mediocrity, they instead delivered a great storyline, solid voice acting, immersive graphics, and a game that absolutely perfects the...

  • Dance Dance Revolution S (iPhone)

    ...criminals has something that keeps pulling me back there. No, it’s not the cheap heroin; it’s the Dancing Stage Supernova machine. Dancing Stage—yes, it’s the European title for Dance Dance...

  • Crimsonland Coming to Steam and PlayStation 4

    ...but with better graphics and without the song?”, and the answer is “yes”. “Yes, MAED is a cheap knockoff of a free game that came out several years earlier.” But...

  • Edna & Harvey: The Breakout (iPad)

    ...kind of disturbing. Now, perhaps the game designers were trying to create a spooky atmosphere. More likely, they were just being cheap with the graphics. It didn’t surprise me to...

  • The Powder Toy (PC)

    ...the different things you can do and explode. And for as cheap as free, there’s not really any risk aside from the memory space on your computer. Download it for...