• Top of the Heap: Games Starring Musicians

    ...the little man is a member of Journey, avoiding shifty-eyed promoters, love-crazed groupies and sneaky photographers trying to run into Loyal Roadies and Mighty Managers all while—uh…well, running through outer...

  • James Pond: Codename RoboCod (PS1)

    ...has been given the codename “RoboCod” because of his new armory, which is (obviously) a pun on RoboCop. Nice to see there are people in the games industry who make...

  • Nelson Tethers: Puzzle Agent (PC)

    ...sir.” Crosswords, code-breakers, conundrums, and the like aren’t a moment’s challenge for Nelson. He doesn’t do far more at work than complete crossword puzzles in the newspaper. (That’s a nice...

  • What the Crap?: Unlockables

    ...Rabbids; multiplayer is not available at first. You know what’s under that newspaper? Imagine buying a car, but the only way you’re allowed to have any passengers is if you...

  • Gamer Girlfriend: Love, Jealousy, and Farming

    ...completely fictional. It all started when he got a new game in that mail that he had added to his Gamefly queue because he thought I would enjoy it. It...

  • Muramasa: The Demon Blade (Wii)

    ...blade, or tear individual enemies apart with quick little (metal) paper cuts from a short blade. Short and long—hey, just like Morse code! Maybe the game’s name was mistranslated and...

  • Formal Warning to Dr. Albert Wily

    ...first and only warning. As a consequence of these violations, all operations at your facility are to cease until your building has been brought up to code. Failure to comply...

  • The Diary of Samus Aran

    ...shaken. Today I received a distress signal—code name: “Baby’s Cry.” A common SOS with the urgency of a baby crying… The nickname comes from the fact that the purpose of...

  • Price and Date Revealed for 3DS

    At a press conference today in New York City, Nintendo revealed the North American launch date and price for its upcoming gimmicky portable: March 27, and $250. The release date...

  • [NSFW] Alan Wake (X360)

    ...signals and drum out Morse code. I want to text and tweet and scribble and yell and chant and scream at the top of my lungs, For the love of...